MeinPillow Hoods: double-wides,,,,infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans,,dilapidated condos falling down,,,Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,,," What is Flor-a-duh "
(too old to reply)
Willie Whittaker is a Putin Cock Sucker
2021-07-02 17:20:08 UTC

infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans

dilapidated condos falling down

Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,

" What is Flor-a-duh "



infested with Cubans

dilapidated condos


Alex ...for $100 I'll take

" What is Flor-a-duh "


Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0


Loading Image...


Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0

Boats bought by Bannon's Build-My-Wall scam: 1


Loading Image...


"Stochastic terrorism" is the strategic repeated use of language and
other means of communication intended to encourage violence while still
maintaining some level of plausible deniability. The advantage of this
tactic is that the individual or group that practices it can then claim
innocence and accept no responsibility for the behavior of others. The
most sophisticated uses of stochastic terrorism will result in a type of
moral inversion — not to mention an inversion of reality — in which the
aggressor can then claim they are somehow the "real victims."

This has been one of the dominant strategies of the American right since
at least the 1980s, with liberals, progressives, nonwhite people and
other designated groups deemed to be the enemy Other targeted as
"socialists" or "communists," anti-American or anti-Christian,
"politically correct" snowflakes, "parasites," "losers" and "takers,"
along with other demeaning language intended to provoke or legitimate


It's a known fact that #TrumpBille Incels first sexual experiences is
peeking through the peep hole of their outhouses watching their mommy
poop. Maybe that is why the stench of fecal matter gets them excited ?

What is a #RedState ? Where your sister and step-daddy can also be your
mom and dad .







More Jobs Created in Biden's 4 Months Than Bushes/Trump Combined
Submitted by Simon Rosenberg on 6/4/21

The graph below captures one of the most significant inconvenient truths
in American politics – the GOP’s economic track record over the past 30
years has been among the worst in the history of the United States. With
the strong May jobs report, over 2m jobs have been created in the first
four months of the Biden Presidency. Remarkably this is more than was
created over the Presidencies of the last 3 Republican Presidents, combined.


Since this new age of globalization began in 1989, a modern and forward
looking Democratic Party has repeatedly seen strong economic and job
growth during their Presidencies. Republican Presidents have overseen
three consecutive recessions, the last two, were severe. The numbers in
the first graph below tell the story – in 16 years of Clinton and Obama,
34m jobs were created. In the first four months of Biden it is 2.2m.
Over 16 years of the two Bush Presidencies and Trump, it was 1.9m.
Democratic policies have been able to make globalization work for
America; GOP policies have repeatedly failed to deliver for the American
people, have repeatedly let us down.


So how is that ObamaGate thing going ?

Loading Image...


WHat to do with MAGA hat !

Loading Image...


here is your daily reminder of why America rejected Trumpy the One-Term
1) Crashed the economy......................................Check
2) Millions unemployed.........................................Check
3) Hundreds of thousands dead...........................Check
4) Food lines.........................................................Check
5) Mass protests....................................................Check
6) No vaccination distribution plan........................Check
7) Crooks & war criminals pardoned.....................Check
8) Publicly blow Putin in Helsinki...........................Check
9) Dictators and fascists coddled...........................Check
10) US Security systems compromised.................Check

*Bonus failure:
11) Incite insurrection.............................................Check

And whiny TrumpChimps, TrumpChumps, TrumpToadies, TrumpNutters,
TrumpTurds and TrumpPigs think he was a success!


TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.


Loading Image...


How much $$ did Trump Purchase Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer
of 1986 ?


Trump TOP lifetime accomplishments:

-- Not getting Ivanka pregnant

-- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986

-- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin

-- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%

-- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.

-- Getting impeached - TWICE

-- Murdering 600,000 Americans

-- 367 Golf games costing $600M


Trump has 5 TOP lifetime accomplishments:

#1 -- Not getting Ivanka pregnant
#2 -- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986
#3 -- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin
#4 -- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%
#5 -- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.


TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.


It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to plead with Putin " don't come in my husband
mouth " in some broken Russian pig-latin -- but he did anyway



It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say to Putin " don't come on my husband face "
in some broken Russian pig-latin .

Poor Trump, the need to try to remain relevant is sad and it's killing
the Republican party

Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup

1) Leaving office with just 34% approval, the worst of his presidency

2) An average of 41% approval, the lowest since polls began

3) The only president to never hit a 50% approval rating


Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup

The Trump campaign alone accounted for a whopping 3% of all credit card
fraud claims in the US



The election is rigged......unless I win.
The news is fake.....unless it's flattering.
Everything is a hoax......unless I tweet it.
Nepotism is bad.....unless it's my family.
I'm rich......but you can't see my taxes.
I'm smart.....but you can't see my grades.
I'm successful.......but my businesses fail.
My staff is the best......until I fire them.
I'm innocent and my phone call is perfect......but I stop my staff from
My lawyer gets caught with his hands down his pants on TV...just an
accident he claims
Strap a bomb on my RV and park it...5g towers spying on me


When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...

He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, racists , serial adulterers, felons,
criminals,pedophiles, thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash losers.

And some, I assume, are just stupid people too


“They always said, ‘No one got treated worse than Lincoln,’” Trump said,
while pointing up to Lincoln’s statue, “I believe I am treated worse.”

Trump on Fox News at the Lincoln Memorial.


" No one has been treated worse than me .. not even Jesus "


Melanoma Anal - 400 dola mour !

Loading Image...


BE Best !

Loading Image...


Melanoma opening act

Loading Image...


Missing hooker .. have you seen her ?

Loading Image...


Old Russia beaver

Loading Image...

My mom was a whore !!

Loading Image...





trumpers = Turd Reich


#BunkerBitchDonnie hooker !!!

Loading Image...


It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " leeve d's mooney on da drisser " in some
broken Russian pig-latin .

It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come in my mouth " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .

It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come on my face " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .

Yesterday POTUS BIDEN created more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did

Today POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did

Tomorrow POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch
did in FOUR YEARS.


Loading Image...


Every DAY POTUS BIDEN creates more jobs in 24 hours


#BunkerBitchDonnie did in FOUR YEARS.


Bring out the Orange Gimp :

Loading Image...


Bring out the gimp :


Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents,

Analysis Finds President Donald Trump—who boasted over the weekend that
his success in life was a result of "being, like, really
smart"—communicates at the lowest grade level of the last 15 presidents,
according to a new analysis of the speech patterns of presidents going
back to Herbert Hoover.

The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in
office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more
than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty
levels.Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry
Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.


Trump to the country:
"There's only 15 cases, soon down to 0"
"This just a flu."

Trump secretly to Bob Woodward:
"This is deadly stuff," Bob. It's a killer"
"You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed."
"It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.""


When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...

He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, serial adulterers, felons, criminals,pedophiles,
thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash And some, I assume, are stupid people too.


Trump's legacy by the numbers--

22,000,000 American jobs lost.
600,000 Americans died from Covid-19.
30,534 lies told.
545 children who will never see their parents again.
345 Days spent golfing.
91% Turnover of senior advisors.
26 Women accuse The Dotard of sexual misconduct.
9 Federal judges deemed unqualified by the ABA.
5 ( LOL ) new miles of the border wall that WE WASTED BILLIONS ON
5 Dead in the Capitol insurrection he incited.
3 Euro Trash wives
2 porn stars raw-dogged
2 Time popular vote loser.
2 impeachments.ONE TERM AND DONE
0 Feet off wall paid for by Mexico


HOW to make a TRumpublican..

( poorly educated ,WhiteTrailerTrash imbeciles )

"Trump exploited low and middle-income white
people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise
racial animus and
xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit
high-income people and
corporations and threaten health. His signature legislative achievement,
a trillion-dollar
tax cut for corporations and high-income individuals, opened a budget
hole that he
used to justify cutting food subsidies and health care. His appeals to
racism, nativism,
and religious bigotry have emboldened white nationalists and vigilantes,
and encouraged
police violence and, at the end of his term in office,



Q) How do you milk sheep?

A) Tell them the election was stolen, then ask for donations...


Those poor executives are suffering too :
Exxon is slashing its global workforce by 15%, or 14,000 people, through
2022, relative to the company's headcount in 2019. The cuts include both
contractors and employees. US: Up to 1,900 of the job cuts will be in
the US, including at least 723 from the Houston area.Mar 3, 2021.

Both ExxonMobil and BP announced Tuesday that they had sustained major
losses in 2020 amid low demand for oil due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Exxon posted $22.4 billion in losses for 2020, posting a loss of $20.1
billion for the fourth quarter.

According to Reuters, this was Exxon’s first annual loss.

BP reported $20 billion in losses for 2020, including nearly $1.4
billion in the fourth quarter.

Chevron, meanwhile, announced last month that it had lost $5.5 billion
in 2020, including $665 million in the fourth quarter.


Cognitive contagion': Behavioral scientist explains how far-right
fearmongering suppresses your higher brain function

Norman, who leads the Humanism Initiative at Carnegie Mellon
University, opens his piece by discussing the QAnon conspiracy cult —
noting that in 2020, thousands of QAnon supporters "were fed a ludicrous
story about Satan-worshipping, 'deep state' pedophiles plotting to oust
President Trump." Those QAnon supporters, Norman notes, got "played," as
did the January 6 "insurrectionists" who bought into Trump's "stop the
steal" lies.

Norman goes on to explain that far-right Republicans are appealing
to "the brain module that responds to fear."

"The GOP now trades almost exclusively in manufactured bogeymen,"
Norman explains. "'Death panels,' 'feminazis,' and the 'War on
Christmas' are obvious ploys, but fearmongering is now the defining
feature of American conservatism. Socialists aim to destroy our way of
life. The government is planning to seize your guns. Secularists will
steal your freedom to worship. Gays will destroy the institution of
marriage. BLM protesters will burn down your neighborhood."

According to Norman, "Brains manipulated in this way lose the
capacity for reasoned reflection."


Hey #TrumpBillies .. Best wishes to GQP hanging Mike Pence NEXT TIME !!!!



We should all THANK China for releasing #TRUMPVIRUS It helped get rid of

Have you noticed everyone who yelled






Kremlin Cruz.



U.S. To Owe More Than The Size Of Its Economy For The 1st Time In 75 Years

The federal government's accumulated debt burden is
projected to be larger than the overall economy next year for the first
time since 1946. Debt is expected to reach an all-time high of 107% of
gross domestic product in 2023.

Federal deficit in Trump’s final year: $3.3 trillion.

Individual #1 - Worse job record ever recorded in US history.

Individual #1 has become the first President on record — going back to
President Harry Truman — to leave the White House with fewer jobs than
when he started.

Government records of monthly jobs numbers go back to 1939, the middle
of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration.

20.6 million continuing claims in the last week of November, according
to the most recent data. The Labor Department notes that the number of
claims may be larger than the total number of people receiving benefits.


Global shipping container shortage: the story so far

The global shortage of shipping containers, primarily caused by the
Covid-19 pandemic, has led to drastic inflation in shipping and
container prices and increased delay times for companies. We ask why
shipping is facing this container shortage and investigate the global

Why is the industry facing this shortage?

So where have the containers vanished to? A significant number of
containers have found themselves in inland depots while others have been
stacking up at cargo ports.

As Asia slowly began to recover, other countries were still faced with
national lockdown restrictions meaning containers could not be sent back
to Asia (where they were really needed) to continue the trade
partnership. The pairing of lockdown regulations alongside other
factors, such as a staff deficit, meant a backlog of containers began to


#TrumpTrash .. what are they ?

"If u can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best
colored man, he won't notice ur picking his pocket. Hell, give him
somebody 2 look down on, & he'll empty his pockets 4 u." - - LYNDON
BAINES JOHNSON (D-TX), U.S. President.


The only way #TrumpBillies are going to see trickle down from the 1% is
if they wipe the piss stains off their golden toilets.


If #TrumpBillies get divorced :

Are they still :

Cousins ,

Brother and sister ?

Daughter and step-father ?

Son and Mother ?


Lizzy took an ax

Gave the GQP 40 whacks

When she what she had done

She gave Moscow Mitch 41


U.S. economy grew at 6.4 percent annual rate in first quarter as
consumer spending drives robust recovery
It's the second-best quarterly reading since 2003.


Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in prison with
other people who did nothing wrong and were treated very unfairly too


Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in
prison with other people who did nothing wrong too



NOT ALL Republicans are racist, serial adulterers, or pedophiles.



ALL racist, serial adulterers, and pedophiles are REPUBLICANS.


Oreo ice-cream ?? .. I called it Uncle-Tim.

When #TrumpTrash hear "Trickle Down" .. it reminds them of their
step-daddies pissing on them in the outhouse


How to.debate #TrumpTrash asshole on any topic : "

You believed a porn fucking liar with a Euro Trash Tramp escort that
barely speaks Eglish .. who murdered 560,000 Americans ".


" You mean I could have just been a republican instead ? "



What were the first words Melania heard from Trump's mouth ?

"How much for the Russian wh0re ? "
Willie Whittaker is a Putin Cock Sucker
2021-07-03 13:14:51 UTC
FEMA Welfare handouts


infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans,

dilapidated condos falling down,

Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,,,

" What is a red-state 3rd world cesspool "

Post by Willie Whittaker is a Putin Cock Sucker
infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans
dilapidated condos falling down
Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,
" What is Flor-a-duh "
infested with Cubans
dilapidated condos
Alex ...for $100 I'll take
" What is Flor-a-duh "
Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0
Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0
Boats bought by Bannon's Build-My-Wall scam:  1
"Stochastic terrorism" is the strategic repeated use of language and
other means of communication intended to encourage violence while still
maintaining some level of plausible deniability. The advantage of this
tactic is that the individual or group that practices it can then claim
innocence and accept no responsibility for the behavior of others. The
most sophisticated uses of stochastic terrorism will result in a type of
moral inversion — not to mention an inversion of reality — in which the
aggressor can then claim they are somehow the "real victims."
This has been one of the dominant strategies of the American right since
at least the 1980s, with liberals, progressives, nonwhite people and
other designated groups deemed to be the enemy Other targeted as
"socialists" or "communists," anti-American or anti-Christian,
"politically correct" snowflakes, "parasites," "losers" and "takers,"
along with other demeaning language intended to provoke or legitimate
It's a known fact that #TrumpBille Incels first sexual experiences is
peeking through the peep hole of their outhouses watching their mommy
poop. Maybe that is why the stench of fecal matter gets them excited ?
What is a #RedState ?  Where your sister and step-daddy can also be your
mom and dad .
More Jobs Created in Biden's 4 Months Than Bushes/Trump Combined
Submitted by Simon Rosenberg on 6/4/21
The graph below captures one of the most significant inconvenient truths
in American politics – the GOP’s economic track record over the past 30
years has been among the worst in the history of the United States. With
the strong May jobs report, over 2m jobs have been created in the first
four months of the Biden Presidency. Remarkably this is more than was
created over the Presidencies of the last 3 Republican Presidents, combined.
Since this new age of globalization began in 1989, a modern and forward
looking Democratic Party has repeatedly seen strong economic and job
growth during their Presidencies. Republican Presidents have overseen
three consecutive recessions, the last two, were severe. The numbers in
the first graph below tell the story – in 16 years of Clinton and Obama,
34m jobs were created. In the first four months of Biden it is 2.2m.
Over 16 years of the two Bush Presidencies and Trump, it was 1.9m.
Democratic policies have been able to make globalization work for
America; GOP policies have repeatedly failed to deliver for the American
people, have repeatedly let us down.
So how is that ObamaGate thing going ?
WHat to do with  MAGA hat !
here is your daily reminder of why America rejected Trumpy the One-Term
1) Crashed the economy......................................Check
2) Millions unemployed.........................................Check
3) Hundreds of thousands dead...........................Check
4) Food lines.........................................................Check
5) Mass protests....................................................Check
6) No vaccination distribution plan........................Check
7) Crooks & war criminals pardoned.....................Check
8) Publicly blow Putin in Helsinki...........................Check
9) Dictators and fascists coddled...........................Check
10) US Security systems compromised.................Check
11) Incite insurrection.............................................Check
And whiny TrumpChimps, TrumpChumps, TrumpToadies, TrumpNutters,
TrumpTurds and TrumpPigs think he was a success!
 TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.
How much $$ did Trump  Purchase Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer
of 1986 ?
-- Not getting Ivanka pregnant
-- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986
-- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin
-- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%
-- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.
-- Getting impeached - TWICE
-- Murdering 600,000 Americans
-- 367 Golf games costing $600M
#1 -- Not getting Ivanka pregnant
#2 -- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986
#3 -- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin
#4 -- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%
#5 -- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.
 TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to plead with Putin " don't come in my husband
mouth " in some broken Russian pig-latin -- but he did anyway
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say to Putin  " don't come on my husband face "
in some broken Russian pig-latin .
Poor Trump, the need to try to remain relevant is sad and it's killing
the Republican party
Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup
1) Leaving office with just 34% approval, the worst of his presidency
2) An average of 41% approval, the lowest since polls began
3) The only president to never hit a 50% approval rating
Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup
The Trump campaign alone accounted for a whopping 3% of all credit card
fraud claims in the US
The election is rigged......unless I win.
The news is fake.....unless it's flattering.
Everything is a hoax......unless I tweet it.
Nepotism is bad.....unless it's my family.
I'm rich......but you can't see my taxes.
I'm smart.....but you can't see my grades.
I'm successful.......but my businesses fail.
My staff is the best......until I fire them.
I'm innocent and my phone call is perfect......but I stop my staff from
My lawyer gets caught with his hands down his pants on TV...just an
accident he claims
Strap a bomb on my RV and park it...5g towers spying on me
When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...
He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, racists , serial adulterers, felons,
criminals,pedophiles, thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash losers.
And some, I assume, are just stupid people too
“They always said, ‘No one got treated worse than Lincoln,’” Trump said,
while pointing up to Lincoln’s statue, “I believe I am treated worse.”
Trump on Fox News at the Lincoln Memorial.
" No one has been treated worse than me .. not even Jesus "
Melanoma Anal - 400 dola mour !
BE Best !
 Melanoma  opening act
Missing hooker .. have you seen her ?
Old Russia beaver
My mom was a whore !!
trumpers = Turd Reich
#BunkerBitchDonnie hooker !!!
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " leeve d's mooney on da drisser " in some
broken Russian pig-latin .
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come in my mouth " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come on my face " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .
Yesterday POTUS BIDEN created more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did
Today POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did
Tomorrow POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch
did in FOUR YEARS.
Every DAY POTUS BIDEN creates more jobs in 24 hours
#BunkerBitchDonnie did in FOUR YEARS.
Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents,
Analysis Finds President Donald Trump—who boasted over the weekend that
his success in life was a result of "being, like, really
smart"—communicates at the lowest grade level of the last 15 presidents,
according to a new analysis of the speech patterns of presidents going
back to Herbert Hoover.
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in
office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more
than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty
levels.Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry
Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.
"There's only 15 cases, soon down to 0"
"This just a flu."
"This is deadly stuff," Bob. It's a killer"
"You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed."
"It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.""
When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...
He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, serial adulterers, felons, criminals,pedophiles,
  thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash  And some, I assume, are stupid people too.
Trump's legacy by the numbers--
22,000,000 American jobs lost.
600,000 Americans died from Covid-19.
30,534 lies told.
545 children who will never see their parents again.
345 Days spent golfing.
91% Turnover of senior advisors.
26 Women accuse The Dotard of sexual misconduct.
9 Federal judges deemed unqualified by the ABA.
5 ( LOL ) new miles of the border wall that WE WASTED BILLIONS ON
5 Dead in the Capitol insurrection he incited.
3 Euro Trash wives
2 porn stars raw-dogged
2 Time popular vote loser.
2 impeachments.ONE TERM AND DONE
0 Feet off wall paid for by Mexico
HOW to make a TRumpublican..
( poorly educated ,WhiteTrailerTrash imbeciles )
"Trump exploited low and middle-income white
people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise
racial animus and
xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit
high-income people and
corporations and threaten health. His signature legislative achievement,
a trillion-dollar
tax cut for corporations and high-income individuals, opened a budget
hole that he
used to justify cutting food subsidies and health care. His appeals to
racism, nativism,
and religious bigotry have emboldened white nationalists and vigilantes,
and encouraged
police violence and, at the end of his term in office,
Q) How do you milk sheep?
A) Tell them the election was stolen, then ask for donations...
Exxon is slashing its global workforce by 15%, or 14,000 people, through
2022, relative to the company's headcount in 2019. The cuts include both
contractors and employees. US: Up to 1,900 of the job cuts will be in
the US, including at least 723 from the Houston area.Mar 3, 2021.
Both ExxonMobil and BP announced Tuesday that they had sustained major
losses in 2020 amid low demand for oil due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Exxon posted $22.4 billion in losses for 2020, posting a loss of $20.1
billion for the fourth quarter.
According to Reuters, this was Exxon’s first annual loss.
BP reported $20 billion in losses for 2020, including nearly $1.4
billion in the fourth quarter.
Chevron, meanwhile, announced last month that it had lost $5.5 billion
in 2020, including $665 million in the fourth quarter.
Cognitive contagion': Behavioral scientist explains how far-right
fearmongering suppresses your higher brain function
    Norman, who leads the Humanism Initiative at Carnegie Mellon
University, opens his piece by discussing the QAnon conspiracy cult —
noting that in 2020, thousands of QAnon supporters "were fed a ludicrous
story about Satan-worshipping, 'deep state' pedophiles plotting to oust
President Trump." Those QAnon supporters, Norman notes, got "played," as
did the January 6 "insurrectionists" who bought into Trump's "stop the
steal" lies.
    Norman goes on to explain that far-right Republicans are appealing
to "the brain module that responds to fear."
    "The GOP now trades almost exclusively in manufactured bogeymen,"
Norman explains. "'Death panels,' 'feminazis,' and the 'War on
Christmas' are obvious ploys, but fearmongering is now the defining
feature of American conservatism. Socialists aim to destroy our way of
life. The government is planning to seize your guns. Secularists will
steal your freedom to worship. Gays will destroy the institution of
marriage. BLM protesters will burn down your neighborhood."
    According to Norman, "Brains manipulated in this way lose the
capacity for reasoned reflection."
Hey #TrumpBillies .. Best wishes to GQP hanging Mike Pence NEXT TIME !!!!
We should all THANK China for releasing #TRUMPVIRUS It helped get rid of
Have you noticed everyone who yelled
Kremlin Cruz.
U.S. To Owe More Than The Size Of Its Economy For The 1st Time In 75 Years
The federal government's accumulated debt burden is
projected to be larger than the overall economy next year for the first
time since 1946. Debt is expected to reach an all-time high of 107% of
gross domestic product in 2023.
Federal deficit in Trump’s final year: $3.3 trillion.
Individual #1 - Worse job record ever recorded in US history.
Individual #1 has become the first President on record — going back to
President Harry Truman — to leave the White House with fewer jobs than
when he started.
Government records of monthly jobs numbers go back to 1939, the middle
of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration.
20.6 million continuing claims in the last week of November, according
to the most recent data. The Labor Department notes that the number of
claims may be larger than the total number of people receiving benefits.
Global shipping container shortage: the story so far
The global shortage of shipping containers, primarily caused by the
Covid-19 pandemic, has led to drastic inflation in shipping and
container prices and increased delay times for companies. We ask why
shipping is facing this container shortage and investigate the global
Why is the industry facing this shortage?
So where have the containers vanished to? A significant number of
containers have found themselves in inland depots while others have been
stacking up at cargo ports.
As Asia slowly began to recover, other countries were still faced with
national lockdown restrictions meaning containers could not be sent back
to Asia (where they were really needed) to continue the trade
partnership. The pairing of lockdown regulations alongside other
factors, such as a staff deficit, meant a backlog of containers began to
#TrumpTrash .. what are they ?
"If u can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best
colored man, he won't notice ur picking his pocket. Hell, give him
somebody 2 look down on, & he'll empty his pockets 4 u." - - LYNDON
BAINES JOHNSON (D-TX), U.S. President.
The only way #TrumpBillies are going to see trickle down from the 1% is
if they wipe the piss stains off their golden toilets.
Cousins ,
Brother and sister ?
Daughter and step-father ?
Son and Mother ?
Lizzy took an ax
Gave the GQP 40 whacks
When she what she had done
She gave Moscow Mitch 41
U.S. economy grew at 6.4 percent annual rate in first quarter as
consumer spending drives robust recovery
It's the second-best quarterly reading since 2003.
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in prison with
other people who did nothing wrong and were treated very unfairly too
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in
prison with other people who did nothing wrong too
NOT ALL Republicans are racist, serial adulterers, or pedophiles.
ALL racist, serial adulterers, and pedophiles are REPUBLICANS.
 Oreo ice-cream ??  .. I called it Uncle-Tim.
When #TrumpTrash hear "Trickle Down" .. it reminds them of their
step-daddies pissing on them in the outhouse
How to.debate #TrumpTrash asshole  on any topic : "
 You believed a porn fucking liar with a Euro Trash Tramp escort that
barely speaks Eglish ..  who murdered 560,000 Americans ".
" You mean I could have just been a republican instead ? "
What were the first words Melania heard from Trump's mouth ?
"How much for the Russian wh0re ? "
Willie Whittaker is a Putin Cock Sucker
2022-04-11 17:28:03 UTC
FEMA Welfare handouts


infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans,

dilapidated condos falling down,

Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,,,

" What is a red-state 3rd world cesspool "

Post by Willie Whittaker is a Putin Cock Sucker
infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans
dilapidated condos falling down
Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,
" What is Flor-a-duh "
infested with Cubans
dilapidated condos
Alex ...for $100 I'll take
" What is Flor-a-duh "
Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0
Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0
Boats bought by Bannon's Build-My-Wall scam:  1
"Stochastic terrorism" is the strategic repeated use of language and
other means of communication intended to encourage violence while still
maintaining some level of plausible deniability. The advantage of this
tactic is that the individual or group that practices it can then claim
innocence and accept no responsibility for the behavior of others. The
most sophisticated uses of stochastic terrorism will result in a type of
moral inversion — not to mention an inversion of reality — in which the
aggressor can then claim they are somehow the "real victims."
This has been one of the dominant strategies of the American right since
at least the 1980s, with liberals, progressives, nonwhite people and
other designated groups deemed to be the enemy Other targeted as
"socialists" or "communists," anti-American or anti-Christian,
"politically correct" snowflakes, "parasites," "losers" and "takers,"
along with other demeaning language intended to provoke or legitimate
It's a known fact that #TrumpBille Incels first sexual experiences is
peeking through the peep hole of their outhouses watching their mommy
poop. Maybe that is why the stench of fecal matter gets them excited ?
What is a #RedState ?  Where your sister and step-daddy can also be your
mom and dad .
More Jobs Created in Biden's 4 Months Than Bushes/Trump Combined
Submitted by Simon Rosenberg on 6/4/21
The graph below captures one of the most significant inconvenient truths
in American politics – the GOP’s economic track record over the past 30
years has been among the worst in the history of the United States. With
the strong May jobs report, over 2m jobs have been created in the first
four months of the Biden Presidency. Remarkably this is more than was
created over the Presidencies of the last 3 Republican Presidents, combined.
Since this new age of globalization began in 1989, a modern and forward
looking Democratic Party has repeatedly seen strong economic and job
growth during their Presidencies. Republican Presidents have overseen
three consecutive recessions, the last two, were severe. The numbers in
the first graph below tell the story – in 16 years of Clinton and Obama,
34m jobs were created. In the first four months of Biden it is 2.2m.
Over 16 years of the two Bush Presidencies and Trump, it was 1.9m.
Democratic policies have been able to make globalization work for
America; GOP policies have repeatedly failed to deliver for the American
people, have repeatedly let us down.
So how is that ObamaGate thing going ?
WHat to do with  MAGA hat !
here is your daily reminder of why America rejected Trumpy the One-Term
1) Crashed the economy......................................Check
2) Millions unemployed.........................................Check
3) Hundreds of thousands dead...........................Check
4) Food lines.........................................................Check
5) Mass protests....................................................Check
6) No vaccination distribution plan........................Check
7) Crooks & war criminals pardoned.....................Check
8) Publicly blow Putin in Helsinki...........................Check
9) Dictators and fascists coddled...........................Check
10) US Security systems compromised.................Check
11) Incite insurrection.............................................Check
And whiny TrumpChimps, TrumpChumps, TrumpToadies, TrumpNutters,
TrumpTurds and TrumpPigs think he was a success!
 TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.
How much $$ did Trump  Purchase Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer
of 1986 ?
-- Not getting Ivanka pregnant
-- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986
-- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin
-- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%
-- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.
-- Getting impeached - TWICE
-- Murdering 600,000 Americans
-- 367 Golf games costing $600M
#1 -- Not getting Ivanka pregnant
#2 -- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986
#3 -- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin
#4 -- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%
#5 -- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.
 TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to plead with Putin " don't come in my husband
mouth " in some broken Russian pig-latin -- but he did anyway
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say to Putin  " don't come on my husband face "
in some broken Russian pig-latin .
Poor Trump, the need to try to remain relevant is sad and it's killing
the Republican party
Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup
1) Leaving office with just 34% approval, the worst of his presidency
2) An average of 41% approval, the lowest since polls began
3) The only president to never hit a 50% approval rating
Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup
The Trump campaign alone accounted for a whopping 3% of all credit card
fraud claims in the US
The election is rigged......unless I win.
The news is fake.....unless it's flattering.
Everything is a hoax......unless I tweet it.
Nepotism is bad.....unless it's my family.
I'm rich......but you can't see my taxes.
I'm smart.....but you can't see my grades.
I'm successful.......but my businesses fail.
My staff is the best......until I fire them.
I'm innocent and my phone call is perfect......but I stop my staff from
My lawyer gets caught with his hands down his pants on TV...just an
accident he claims
Strap a bomb on my RV and park it...5g towers spying on me
When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...
He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, racists , serial adulterers, felons,
criminals,pedophiles, thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash losers.
And some, I assume, are just stupid people too
“They always said, ‘No one got treated worse than Lincoln,’” Trump said,
while pointing up to Lincoln’s statue, “I believe I am treated worse.”
Trump on Fox News at the Lincoln Memorial.
" No one has been treated worse than me .. not even Jesus "
Melanoma Anal - 400 dola mour !
BE Best !
 Melanoma  opening act
Missing hooker .. have you seen her ?
Old Russia beaver
My mom was a whore !!
trumpers = Turd Reich
#BunkerBitchDonnie hooker !!!
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " leeve d's mooney on da drisser " in some
broken Russian pig-latin .
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come in my mouth " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come on my face " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .
Yesterday POTUS BIDEN created more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did
Today POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did
Tomorrow POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch
did in FOUR YEARS.
Every DAY POTUS BIDEN creates more jobs in 24 hours
#BunkerBitchDonnie did in FOUR YEARS.
Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents,
Analysis Finds President Donald Trump—who boasted over the weekend that
his success in life was a result of "being, like, really
smart"—communicates at the lowest grade level of the last 15 presidents,
according to a new analysis of the speech patterns of presidents going
back to Herbert Hoover.
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in
office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more
than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty
levels.Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry
Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.
"There's only 15 cases, soon down to 0"
"This just a flu."
"This is deadly stuff," Bob. It's a killer"
"You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed."
"It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.""
When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...
He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, serial adulterers, felons, criminals,pedophiles,
  thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash  And some, I assume, are stupid people too.
Trump's legacy by the numbers--
22,000,000 American jobs lost.
600,000 Americans died from Covid-19.
30,534 lies told.
545 children who will never see their parents again.
345 Days spent golfing.
91% Turnover of senior advisors.
26 Women accuse The Dotard of sexual misconduct.
9 Federal judges deemed unqualified by the ABA.
5 ( LOL ) new miles of the border wall that WE WASTED BILLIONS ON
5 Dead in the Capitol insurrection he incited.
3 Euro Trash wives
2 porn stars raw-dogged
2 Time popular vote loser.
2 impeachments.ONE TERM AND DONE
0 Feet off wall paid for by Mexico
HOW to make a TRumpublican..
( poorly educated ,WhiteTrailerTrash imbeciles )
"Trump exploited low and middle-income white
people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise
racial animus and
xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit
high-income people and
corporations and threaten health. His signature legislative achievement,
a trillion-dollar
tax cut for corporations and high-income individuals, opened a budget
hole that he
used to justify cutting food subsidies and health care. His appeals to
racism, nativism,
and religious bigotry have emboldened white nationalists and vigilantes,
and encouraged
police violence and, at the end of his term in office,
Q) How do you milk sheep?
A) Tell them the election was stolen, then ask for donations...
Exxon is slashing its global workforce by 15%, or 14,000 people, through
2022, relative to the company's headcount in 2019. The cuts include both
contractors and employees. US: Up to 1,900 of the job cuts will be in
the US, including at least 723 from the Houston area.Mar 3, 2021.
Both ExxonMobil and BP announced Tuesday that they had sustained major
losses in 2020 amid low demand for oil due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Exxon posted $22.4 billion in losses for 2020, posting a loss of $20.1
billion for the fourth quarter.
According to Reuters, this was Exxon’s first annual loss.
BP reported $20 billion in losses for 2020, including nearly $1.4
billion in the fourth quarter.
Chevron, meanwhile, announced last month that it had lost $5.5 billion
in 2020, including $665 million in the fourth quarter.
Cognitive contagion': Behavioral scientist explains how far-right
fearmongering suppresses your higher brain function
    Norman, who leads the Humanism Initiative at Carnegie Mellon
University, opens his piece by discussing the QAnon conspiracy cult —
noting that in 2020, thousands of QAnon supporters "were fed a ludicrous
story about Satan-worshipping, 'deep state' pedophiles plotting to oust
President Trump." Those QAnon supporters, Norman notes, got "played," as
did the January 6 "insurrectionists" who bought into Trump's "stop the
steal" lies.
    Norman goes on to explain that far-right Republicans are appealing
to "the brain module that responds to fear."
    "The GOP now trades almost exclusively in manufactured bogeymen,"
Norman explains. "'Death panels,' 'feminazis,' and the 'War on
Christmas' are obvious ploys, but fearmongering is now the defining
feature of American conservatism. Socialists aim to destroy our way of
life. The government is planning to seize your guns. Secularists will
steal your freedom to worship. Gays will destroy the institution of
marriage. BLM protesters will burn down your neighborhood."
    According to Norman, "Brains manipulated in this way lose the
capacity for reasoned reflection."
Hey #TrumpBillies .. Best wishes to GQP hanging Mike Pence NEXT TIME !!!!
We should all THANK China for releasing #TRUMPVIRUS It helped get rid of
Have you noticed everyone who yelled
Kremlin Cruz.
U.S. To Owe More Than The Size Of Its Economy For The 1st Time In 75 Years
The federal government's accumulated debt burden is
projected to be larger than the overall economy next year for the first
time since 1946. Debt is expected to reach an all-time high of 107% of
gross domestic product in 2023.
Federal deficit in Trump’s final year: $3.3 trillion.
Individual #1 - Worse job record ever recorded in US history.
Individual #1 has become the first President on record — going back to
President Harry Truman — to leave the White House with fewer jobs than
when he started.
Government records of monthly jobs numbers go back to 1939, the middle
of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration.
20.6 million continuing claims in the last week of November, according
to the most recent data. The Labor Department notes that the number of
claims may be larger than the total number of people receiving benefits.
Global shipping container shortage: the story so far
The global shortage of shipping containers, primarily caused by the
Covid-19 pandemic, has led to drastic inflation in shipping and
container prices and increased delay times for companies. We ask why
shipping is facing this container shortage and investigate the global
Why is the industry facing this shortage?
So where have the containers vanished to? A significant number of
containers have found themselves in inland depots while others have been
stacking up at cargo ports.
As Asia slowly began to recover, other countries were still faced with
national lockdown restrictions meaning containers could not be sent back
to Asia (where they were really needed) to continue the trade
partnership. The pairing of lockdown regulations alongside other
factors, such as a staff deficit, meant a backlog of containers began to
#TrumpTrash .. what are they ?
"If u can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best
colored man, he won't notice ur picking his pocket. Hell, give him
somebody 2 look down on, & he'll empty his pockets 4 u." - - LYNDON
BAINES JOHNSON (D-TX), U.S. President.
The only way #TrumpBillies are going to see trickle down from the 1% is
if they wipe the piss stains off their golden toilets.
Cousins ,
Brother and sister ?
Daughter and step-father ?
Son and Mother ?
Lizzy took an ax
Gave the GQP 40 whacks
When she what she had done
She gave Moscow Mitch 41
U.S. economy grew at 6.4 percent annual rate in first quarter as
consumer spending drives robust recovery
It's the second-best quarterly reading since 2003.
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in prison with
other people who did nothing wrong and were treated very unfairly too
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in
prison with other people who did nothing wrong too
NOT ALL Republicans are racist, serial adulterers, or pedophiles.
ALL racist, serial adulterers, and pedophiles are REPUBLICANS.
 Oreo ice-cream ??  .. I called it Uncle-Tim.
When #TrumpTrash hear "Trickle Down" .. it reminds them of their
step-daddies pissing on them in the outhouse
How to.debate #TrumpTrash asshole  on any topic : "
 You believed a porn fucking liar with a Euro Trash Tramp escort that
barely speaks Eglish ..  who murdered 560,000 Americans ".
" You mean I could have just been a republican instead ? "
What were the first words Melania heard from Trump's mouth ?
"How much for the Russian wh0re ? "
Willie Whittaker is a Putin Cock Sucker
2022-07-13 10:58:01 UTC
FEMA Welfare handouts


infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans,

dilapidated condos falling down,

Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,,,

" What is a red-state 3rd world cesspool "

Post by Willie Whittaker is a Putin Cock Sucker
infested with drug addicts, pedophiles , and Cubans
dilapidated condos falling down
Alex ...for $100 I'll take,,
" What is Flor-a-duh "
infested with Cubans
dilapidated condos
Alex ...for $100 I'll take
" What is Flor-a-duh "
Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0
Feet of wall paid for by Mexico : 0
Boats bought by Bannon's Build-My-Wall scam:  1
"Stochastic terrorism" is the strategic repeated use of language and
other means of communication intended to encourage violence while still
maintaining some level of plausible deniability. The advantage of this
tactic is that the individual or group that practices it can then claim
innocence and accept no responsibility for the behavior of others. The
most sophisticated uses of stochastic terrorism will result in a type of
moral inversion — not to mention an inversion of reality — in which the
aggressor can then claim they are somehow the "real victims."
This has been one of the dominant strategies of the American right since
at least the 1980s, with liberals, progressives, nonwhite people and
other designated groups deemed to be the enemy Other targeted as
"socialists" or "communists," anti-American or anti-Christian,
"politically correct" snowflakes, "parasites," "losers" and "takers,"
along with other demeaning language intended to provoke or legitimate
It's a known fact that #TrumpBille Incels first sexual experiences is
peeking through the peep hole of their outhouses watching their mommy
poop. Maybe that is why the stench of fecal matter gets them excited ?
What is a #RedState ?  Where your sister and step-daddy can also be your
mom and dad .
More Jobs Created in Biden's 4 Months Than Bushes/Trump Combined
Submitted by Simon Rosenberg on 6/4/21
The graph below captures one of the most significant inconvenient truths
in American politics – the GOP’s economic track record over the past 30
years has been among the worst in the history of the United States. With
the strong May jobs report, over 2m jobs have been created in the first
four months of the Biden Presidency. Remarkably this is more than was
created over the Presidencies of the last 3 Republican Presidents, combined.
Since this new age of globalization began in 1989, a modern and forward
looking Democratic Party has repeatedly seen strong economic and job
growth during their Presidencies. Republican Presidents have overseen
three consecutive recessions, the last two, were severe. The numbers in
the first graph below tell the story – in 16 years of Clinton and Obama,
34m jobs were created. In the first four months of Biden it is 2.2m.
Over 16 years of the two Bush Presidencies and Trump, it was 1.9m.
Democratic policies have been able to make globalization work for
America; GOP policies have repeatedly failed to deliver for the American
people, have repeatedly let us down.
So how is that ObamaGate thing going ?
WHat to do with  MAGA hat !
here is your daily reminder of why America rejected Trumpy the One-Term
1) Crashed the economy......................................Check
2) Millions unemployed.........................................Check
3) Hundreds of thousands dead...........................Check
4) Food lines.........................................................Check
5) Mass protests....................................................Check
6) No vaccination distribution plan........................Check
7) Crooks & war criminals pardoned.....................Check
8) Publicly blow Putin in Helsinki...........................Check
9) Dictators and fascists coddled...........................Check
10) US Security systems compromised.................Check
11) Incite insurrection.............................................Check
And whiny TrumpChimps, TrumpChumps, TrumpToadies, TrumpNutters,
TrumpTurds and TrumpPigs think he was a success!
 TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.
How much $$ did Trump  Purchase Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer
of 1986 ?
-- Not getting Ivanka pregnant
-- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986
-- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin
-- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%
-- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.
-- Getting impeached - TWICE
-- Murdering 600,000 Americans
-- 367 Golf games costing $600M
#1 -- Not getting Ivanka pregnant
#2 -- Purchasing Melanie from Jeff Epstein in the summer of 1986
#3 -- Winning the 2016 with help from Putin
#4 -- Giving Tax Breaks to the wealth 1%
#5 -- Galvanizing over 81 million Americans to vote him out of office.
 TrumpBillies have to be the most poorly educated, gullible fools ever
conceived in an outhouse.
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to plead with Putin " don't come in my husband
mouth " in some broken Russian pig-latin -- but he did anyway
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say to Putin  " don't come on my husband face "
in some broken Russian pig-latin .
Poor Trump, the need to try to remain relevant is sad and it's killing
the Republican party
Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup
1) Leaving office with just 34% approval, the worst of his presidency
2) An average of 41% approval, the lowest since polls began
3) The only president to never hit a 50% approval rating
Trump leaves office with his lowest approval rating ever. Via Gallup
The Trump campaign alone accounted for a whopping 3% of all credit card
fraud claims in the US
The election is rigged......unless I win.
The news is fake.....unless it's flattering.
Everything is a hoax......unless I tweet it.
Nepotism is bad.....unless it's my family.
I'm rich......but you can't see my taxes.
I'm smart.....but you can't see my grades.
I'm successful.......but my businesses fail.
My staff is the best......until I fire them.
I'm innocent and my phone call is perfect......but I stop my staff from
My lawyer gets caught with his hands down his pants on TV...just an
accident he claims
Strap a bomb on my RV and park it...5g towers spying on me
When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...
He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, racists , serial adulterers, felons,
criminals,pedophiles, thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash losers.
And some, I assume, are just stupid people too
“They always said, ‘No one got treated worse than Lincoln,’” Trump said,
while pointing up to Lincoln’s statue, “I believe I am treated worse.”
Trump on Fox News at the Lincoln Memorial.
" No one has been treated worse than me .. not even Jesus "
Melanoma Anal - 400 dola mour !
BE Best !
 Melanoma  opening act
Missing hooker .. have you seen her ?
Old Russia beaver
My mom was a whore !!
trumpers = Turd Reich
#BunkerBitchDonnie hooker !!!
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " leeve d's mooney on da drisser " in some
broken Russian pig-latin .
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come in my mouth " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .
It is so nice having a FLOTUS who speaks English and has a college
degree who never had to say " don't come on my face " in some broken
Russian pig-latin .
Yesterday POTUS BIDEN created more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did
Today POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch did
Tomorrow POTUS BIDEN will create more jobs in one day than #BunkerBitch
did in FOUR YEARS.
Every DAY POTUS BIDEN creates more jobs in 24 hours
#BunkerBitchDonnie did in FOUR YEARS.
Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents,
Analysis Finds President Donald Trump—who boasted over the weekend that
his success in life was a result of "being, like, really
smart"—communicates at the lowest grade level of the last 15 presidents,
according to a new analysis of the speech patterns of presidents going
back to Herbert Hoover.
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in
office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more
than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty
levels.Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry
Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.
"There's only 15 cases, soon down to 0"
"This just a flu."
"This is deadly stuff," Bob. It's a killer"
"You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed."
"It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.""
When Trump sends his people, he's not sending his best...
He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing
crime. They’re rapists, serial adulterers, felons, criminals,pedophiles,
  thugs, #WhiteTrailerTrash  And some, I assume, are stupid people too.
Trump's legacy by the numbers--
22,000,000 American jobs lost.
600,000 Americans died from Covid-19.
30,534 lies told.
545 children who will never see their parents again.
345 Days spent golfing.
91% Turnover of senior advisors.
26 Women accuse The Dotard of sexual misconduct.
9 Federal judges deemed unqualified by the ABA.
5 ( LOL ) new miles of the border wall that WE WASTED BILLIONS ON
5 Dead in the Capitol insurrection he incited.
3 Euro Trash wives
2 porn stars raw-dogged
2 Time popular vote loser.
2 impeachments.ONE TERM AND DONE
0 Feet off wall paid for by Mexico
HOW to make a TRumpublican..
( poorly educated ,WhiteTrailerTrash imbeciles )
"Trump exploited low and middle-income white
people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise
racial animus and
xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit
high-income people and
corporations and threaten health. His signature legislative achievement,
a trillion-dollar
tax cut for corporations and high-income individuals, opened a budget
hole that he
used to justify cutting food subsidies and health care. His appeals to
racism, nativism,
and religious bigotry have emboldened white nationalists and vigilantes,
and encouraged
police violence and, at the end of his term in office,
Q) How do you milk sheep?
A) Tell them the election was stolen, then ask for donations...
Exxon is slashing its global workforce by 15%, or 14,000 people, through
2022, relative to the company's headcount in 2019. The cuts include both
contractors and employees. US: Up to 1,900 of the job cuts will be in
the US, including at least 723 from the Houston area.Mar 3, 2021.
Both ExxonMobil and BP announced Tuesday that they had sustained major
losses in 2020 amid low demand for oil due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Exxon posted $22.4 billion in losses for 2020, posting a loss of $20.1
billion for the fourth quarter.
According to Reuters, this was Exxon’s first annual loss.
BP reported $20 billion in losses for 2020, including nearly $1.4
billion in the fourth quarter.
Chevron, meanwhile, announced last month that it had lost $5.5 billion
in 2020, including $665 million in the fourth quarter.
Cognitive contagion': Behavioral scientist explains how far-right
fearmongering suppresses your higher brain function
    Norman, who leads the Humanism Initiative at Carnegie Mellon
University, opens his piece by discussing the QAnon conspiracy cult —
noting that in 2020, thousands of QAnon supporters "were fed a ludicrous
story about Satan-worshipping, 'deep state' pedophiles plotting to oust
President Trump." Those QAnon supporters, Norman notes, got "played," as
did the January 6 "insurrectionists" who bought into Trump's "stop the
steal" lies.
    Norman goes on to explain that far-right Republicans are appealing
to "the brain module that responds to fear."
    "The GOP now trades almost exclusively in manufactured bogeymen,"
Norman explains. "'Death panels,' 'feminazis,' and the 'War on
Christmas' are obvious ploys, but fearmongering is now the defining
feature of American conservatism. Socialists aim to destroy our way of
life. The government is planning to seize your guns. Secularists will
steal your freedom to worship. Gays will destroy the institution of
marriage. BLM protesters will burn down your neighborhood."
    According to Norman, "Brains manipulated in this way lose the
capacity for reasoned reflection."
Hey #TrumpBillies .. Best wishes to GQP hanging Mike Pence NEXT TIME !!!!
We should all THANK China for releasing #TRUMPVIRUS It helped get rid of
Have you noticed everyone who yelled
Kremlin Cruz.
U.S. To Owe More Than The Size Of Its Economy For The 1st Time In 75 Years
The federal government's accumulated debt burden is
projected to be larger than the overall economy next year for the first
time since 1946. Debt is expected to reach an all-time high of 107% of
gross domestic product in 2023.
Federal deficit in Trump’s final year: $3.3 trillion.
Individual #1 - Worse job record ever recorded in US history.
Individual #1 has become the first President on record — going back to
President Harry Truman — to leave the White House with fewer jobs than
when he started.
Government records of monthly jobs numbers go back to 1939, the middle
of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration.
20.6 million continuing claims in the last week of November, according
to the most recent data. The Labor Department notes that the number of
claims may be larger than the total number of people receiving benefits.
Global shipping container shortage: the story so far
The global shortage of shipping containers, primarily caused by the
Covid-19 pandemic, has led to drastic inflation in shipping and
container prices and increased delay times for companies. We ask why
shipping is facing this container shortage and investigate the global
Why is the industry facing this shortage?
So where have the containers vanished to? A significant number of
containers have found themselves in inland depots while others have been
stacking up at cargo ports.
As Asia slowly began to recover, other countries were still faced with
national lockdown restrictions meaning containers could not be sent back
to Asia (where they were really needed) to continue the trade
partnership. The pairing of lockdown regulations alongside other
factors, such as a staff deficit, meant a backlog of containers began to
#TrumpTrash .. what are they ?
"If u can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best
colored man, he won't notice ur picking his pocket. Hell, give him
somebody 2 look down on, & he'll empty his pockets 4 u." - - LYNDON
BAINES JOHNSON (D-TX), U.S. President.
The only way #TrumpBillies are going to see trickle down from the 1% is
if they wipe the piss stains off their golden toilets.
Cousins ,
Brother and sister ?
Daughter and step-father ?
Son and Mother ?
Lizzy took an ax
Gave the GQP 40 whacks
When she what she had done
She gave Moscow Mitch 41
U.S. economy grew at 6.4 percent annual rate in first quarter as
consumer spending drives robust recovery
It's the second-best quarterly reading since 2003.
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in prison with
other people who did nothing wrong and were treated very unfairly too
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in
prison with other people who did nothing wrong too
NOT ALL Republicans are racist, serial adulterers, or pedophiles.
ALL racist, serial adulterers, and pedophiles are REPUBLICANS.
 Oreo ice-cream ??  .. I called it Uncle-Tim.
When #TrumpTrash hear "Trickle Down" .. it reminds them of their
step-daddies pissing on them in the outhouse
How to.debate #TrumpTrash asshole  on any topic : "
 You believed a porn fucking liar with a Euro Trash Tramp escort that
barely speaks Eglish ..  who murdered 560,000 Americans ".
" You mean I could have just been a republican instead ? "
What were the first words Melania heard from Trump's mouth ?
"How much for the Russian wh0re ? "