Post by Hafitz Muhammad
Part 2 in the words of the jew rock star.
I didn't know he was a Jew,, and I don't give a fuck. He's a leftist
asshole, and not much of a musician in my opinion - that's reason
enough not to like his ass.
The hymie of course loves the former president Osama
Hmmm...your Freud appears to be slipping....
and loves black people.
No reason not to, as far as I know. Niggers, now, well...that's a
different proposition...
Post by Hafitz MuhammadToo bad his music is not halal.
I find that statement puzzling...if his music *was* halal, would you
enjoy it? Would/do you hate music based on the religious or ethnic
makeup of the musician? It would seem to me that music is an entirely
different language, which is enjoyed (or not) based on its effect upon
the listener. If I like something, I like it, and I don't give half a dead rat's
ass if the player digs Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham or whoever. Would/do
you hate the music of Bach because he was a worshiper of Jesus? If
your answer is "yes," well...I reckon that would make you an ignorant
asshole. Over the years I have enjoyed the music of many Jazz musicians
who claimed to be Muslims - I just never thought about that aspect of
it much. Didn't the Prophet hate music? Isn't *all* music halal? It seems
to me that I've read that it is. Aren't Muslims proscribed from owning,
playing, buying, selling or even storing musical instruments? You may
find this interesting - I certainly did:
Holy Prophet (S) said, "I forbid you to dance and to play
the flute, the drum and the tambourines."
Holy Prophet (S) said, "Molten lead will be put in the
ears of that person who listens attentively to music
and songs."
Imam Ali Reza (a.s) said, "And to listen attentively
to the musical instrument (is also a greater sin )....."
manufacturing, buying or selling musical instrument is
forbidden, and the profits accrued from such dealings
are illegal and the transaction is also null and void.
Even safe keeping of musical instrument is forbidden
and to destroy them is obligatory.
Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.s) said, "Allah has prohibited
the manufacturing of such things which are used for
harmful purpose. And the things which only create harm.
Thus the manufacturing of harp, flute, chess, musical
instruments, cross of crucification, idols is forbidden."
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s) said: "Singing is one of those
sins for which Allah has reserved the punishment of Hell."
"The Holy Prophet (S) said, "The person possessing a guitar
will be brought on the Day of Judgement with a black face;
he would have a guitar of fire in his hand, and above him
will be seventy thousand angels all carrying the maces of
fire. They would be striking the maces on the head and face
of that person and the singer shall arise from his grave
blind, deaf and dumb and the adulterer shall also be raised
from the grave in this way. And the one who plays flute shall
be similarly raised and the one who plays the drum too."
The above Tradition clearly proves that all those people
involving themselves in singing, committing adultery or
playing musical instruments will be gathered on the Day
of judgement as Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
Let us seek refuge in Allah from the temptations of Shaitaan
so that he may never lead us into the disgraceful vice of
listening to music. Let us make a firm resolution to keep
our houses clean of this ignominy, let our children listen
to sounds invocating and glorifying Allah (swt) rather than
the satanic chants of music.
Let us not follow the habits promoted by the killers of
Imam Hussain (a.s.). Let us make a firm determination to
eradicate this sin from our society completely."
My goodness!
Lord Valve
American Musician (fuck you!)