run toob amp from 12v inverter?
(too old to reply)
the camper
2006-03-28 07:30:04 UTC
Could one of you try this first? I don't want to roon anything. I have
a $70 1000 watt inverter, a fender champ and a damn big battery. Guess
I should just get the pignose,.. tanks.
2006-03-28 08:03:31 UTC
Post by the camper
Could one of you try this first? I don't want to roon anything. I have
a $70 1000 watt inverter, a fender champ and a damn big battery. Guess
I should just get the pignose,.. tanks.
A Pignoze wood bee gud. Oar aye Rolind Mycrow Kube.

You'll barely regret this. --Fry
2006-03-28 08:44:24 UTC
A MODERN inverter and a big-ass battery is a great way to run amps in
the boonies. A modern inverter is one that puts out a more or less
sinewave voltage. Old style inverters often put out a square wave
voltage that was much more likely to cause trouble. The usual trouble,
however, was simply noise in the amp output. I never had a SS amp hurt
from an inverter and toob amps are even much more robust when it comes
to power. Note that I'm talking here about using my Radio Shack
inverters so we aren't talking a high end, big bux situation!

Anyway, I think pignose basically sucks and is way underpowered as
well. The inverter "real" amp thing is THE way to go. Also 1000 Watts
seems like overkill. Just how much power does a champ draw anyway even
on startup? I can't imagine it's 1000 watts.

(Who bought a really nice deep cycle boat trolling 12V battery at Kmart
for this kind of thing)
the camper
2006-03-29 07:59:23 UTC
Post by b***@iwaynet.net
A MODERN inverter and a big-ass battery is a great way to run amps in
the boonies. A modern inverter is one that puts out a more or less
sinewave voltage. Old style inverters often put out a square wave
voltage that was much more likely to cause trouble. The usual trouble,
however, was simply noise in the amp output. I never had a SS amp hurt
from an inverter and toob amps are even much more robust when it comes
to power. Note that I'm talking here about using my Radio Shack
inverters so we aren't talking a high end, big bux situation!
Anyway, I think pignose basically sucks and is way underpowered as
well. The inverter "real" amp thing is THE way to go. Also 1000 Watts
seems like overkill. Just how much power does a champ draw anyway even
on startup? I can't imagine it's 1000 watts.
(Who bought a really nice deep cycle boat trolling 12V battery at Kmart
for this kind of thing)
I bought 2 gnarly 6v golfcart batteries and a 4.5 amp solar panel for
this kind of thing but I wish it were more. I think the champeroo is
rated 5watts and probably pulls 3-4 amps, most of which is the heater
circuit, but the deal is the inverter that makes a pretty good
sinewave (no noise) is still $400 so we won't be getting one of those
any time soon. The Pignoise I heard sounded like a total one trick
pony. I don't think I could listen to it for long. I don't need loud,
just to practice by myself and well, to groove, man.
I heard people who run 220-110vac inverters with stateside amps over
in england burn up power transformers and so on so I thought I'd ask.